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North Carolina ZIP Code List

This is the list of ZIP Codes in North Carolina. The zip code 5, state, county, and city are displayed in the list. You can click the title to browse the detailed information.

North Carolina has a total number of 1,999,344 ZIP Codes, and the first two digits range from 27-28. Not all the five-digit numbers in the range are assigned as ZIP Codes, in other words, there is some number that is not assigned.

StateCountyCityZIP Code
NCNorthampton CountyVALENTINES23887
NCDavie CountyADVANCE27006
NCSurry CountyARARAT27007
NCForsyth CountyBELEWS CREEK27009
NCForsyth CountyBETHANIA27010
NCSurry CountyBOONVILLE27011
NCDavidson CountyCLEMMONS27012
NCIredell CountyCLEVELAND27013
NCDavie CountyCOOLEEMEE27014
NCStokes CountyDANBURY27016
NCSurry CountyDOBSON27017
NCYadkin CountyEAST BEND27018
NCForsyth CountyGERMANTON27019
NCIredell CountyHAMPTONVILLE27020
NCForsyth CountyKING27021
NCStokes CountyLAWSONVILLE27022
NCForsyth CountyLEWISVILLE27023
NCSurry CountyLOWGAP27024
NCRockingham CountyMADISON27025
NCRockingham CountyMAYODAN27027
NCDavie CountyMOCKSVILLE27028
NCStokes CountyMOUNT AIRY27030
NCSurry CountyMOUNT AIRY27031
NCForsyth CountyPFAFFTOWN27040
NCStokes CountyPILOT MOUNTAIN27041
NCStokes CountyPINE HALL27042
NCForsyth CountyPINNACLE27043
NCForsyth CountyRURAL HALL27045
NCRockingham CountySANDY RIDGE27046
NCSurry CountySILOAM27047
NCRockingham CountySTONEVILLE27048
NCSurry CountyTOAST27049
NCForsyth CountyTOBACCOVILLE27050
NCForsyth CountyWALKERTOWN27051
NCForsyth CountyWALNUT COVE27052
NCAlamance CountyWESTFIELD27053
NCRowan CountyWOODLEAF27054
NCDavie CountyYADKINVILLE27055
NCForsyth CountyRURAL HALL27094
NCForsyth CountyRURAL HALL27098
NCForsyth CountyRURAL HALL27099
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27101
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27102
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27103
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27104
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27105
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27106
NCDavidson CountyWINSTON SALEM27107
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27108
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27109
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27110
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27111
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27113
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27114
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27115
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27116
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27117
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27120
NCDavidson CountyWINSTON SALEM27127
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27130
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27150
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27152
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27155
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27157
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27198
NCForsyth CountyWINSTON SALEM27199
NCAlamance CountyALAMANCE27201
NCAlamance CountyALTAMAHAW27202
NCRandolph CountyASHEBORO27203
NCRandolph CountyASHEBORO27204
NCRandolph CountyASHEBORO27205
NCChatham CountyBEAR CREEK27207
NCChatham CountyBENNETT27208
NCMontgomery CountyBISCOE27209
NCCaswell CountyBLANCH27212
NCChatham CountyBONLEE27213
NCGuilford CountyBROWNS SUMMIT27214
NCAlamance CountyBURLINGTON27215
NCAlamance CountyBURLINGTON27216
NCAlamance CountyBURLINGTON27217
